Best radar performance for gray and blue forces!
Naval Radar NX is an effective detecting application software that enables customers to operate any radar related task from navigation to missions such as SAR, policing, or surveillance within a single, intuitive user interface. The modular approach enables upgrades in functionality by pure means of software as needed for a specific mission.
Maximum mission performance
Clear, precise radar picture, from navigation to mission.
Reliable, best radar performance in severe weather operation, small target detection, and helicopter guidance
Raw radar video processing and advanced target tracking, individual PPI organization and filtering on each console
Unique automatic clutter suppression for an unparalleled clear target display under any condition (CFAR technology)
Capability enhancement
Advanced IMO functionality, plus tools and perspective for surveillance and tactical operation.
High performance target management and target association (ARPA/AIS)
Consistent use of qualified, data (data is checked for integrity, validity and plausibility)
Features to support special tasks and missions:
area and zone management, intrusion detection and intercept, stationing manager, helicopter guidance
Effective and free of risk
Effective and flexible basis with modular feature enhancements.
Wide range of type-approved radar sensors (navigation and solid-state surveillance radars)
Modular software design and a multitude of features offer flexibility through life (easy upgrades)
Support of operational considerations as well as fleet-wide logistics
Low risk and compliant without NREs: type approved, proven in European navies

Main Features
Platform capabilities for navigation, situation awareness, and helicopter guidance
Intuitive, well-structured user interface with quick access to essential functions
Parallel index line (PIL) functionality with up to 99 PILs
Management and presentation of tactical targets
Track labeling and advanced filtering
Alert and guard zone management
Calculation of intercept point and course to steer
User defined dynamic blanking sectors
Fully IEC62388 type approved as Navigation Radar
Naval Radar NX features
Formation manager
The operator can define any formation grids up to 100 ships relative in range and bearing to each other, including configurable alerting and calculation of course to steer / time to intercept.
Helo approach
This feature enables the operator to guide the helo-crew with application aids (freely configurable landing patterns and grids) to the ships landing pad and shore based landing areas. Includes helo-trackfiltering.
Alarmzone ruler
This feature enables the operator to guide the helo-crew with application aids (freely configurable landing patterns and grids) to the ships landing pad and shore based landing areas. Includes helo-trackfiltering.
Integration with navigation or surveillance radar
Naval Radar NX is a perfect solution for coast guard and naval operations, from monitoring asymmetric threats and illegal activities to high-definition sea surface surveillance and short-range air surveillance for helicopter guidance and ship navigation. The combined solution of SCANTER radars and Naval Radar NX software enables customers to operate any radar related task from navigation to missions such as SAR, policing, surveillance, and more.
NautoScan NX radar transceiver

Terma SCANTER Surveillance Radars

NautoScan NX is a state-of-the-art navigation magnetron radar in cost-effective setups for high performance navigation and basic surveillance performance.
Terma SCANTER 2602 are maintenance-free radars using solid-state technology for autonomous small target detection and tracking. Terma SCANTER 6002 solid-state radar offers high end navigation and surveillance performance, superior at detecting and autonomous tracking of small targets or performing surveillance in sea-air space with Doppler.

Modular system design
The Naval Radar NX application can be applied for a single workstation, but can also be combined with other navigation and tactical applications (such as WECDIS) at one or multiple multifunctional workstations, as radar master or radar slave.
The system consists of up to five active radar transceivers, eight multifunctional workstations and additional displays and radar planning stations. The workstations can be equipped with high performance SMCs as well as 19”, 24”, 26” and 27” displays. A console, delivered off-the-shelf but engineered for military use, is available.