- Cost effective design
- Operator friendly
- IMO approved
- Extendable by means of extra reset buttons

The AlphaBNWAS is an aid to help protect the Ship’s Officers required to ensure a presence of the Officer of the Watch on the bridge and to carry out one man bridge duties. A BNWAS monitors bridge activity and detects any absence on the bridge that could lead to shipping accidents. The BNWAS system monitors the awareness of the Officer of the Watch (OOW) and warns the Master and/or another qualified Officer if the Officer of the Watch becomes incapable of performing duties through whatever cause.
The new MSC.128(75) rules will make a fully approved Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System mandatory on SOLAS vessels of 150GT and up and passenger vessels irrespective of size, having to be installed from the 1st of July of 2011 up to 2015 depending on the type and GT of the vessel. Ship owners can now meet these requirements in a cost effective way by choosing the Alphatron Watch Alarm system called the ALPHA BNWAS.