TOKYO KEIKI, a company that has built a track record of achievements and trust through more than 20 years of research and development of Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems, presents the new ECDIS EC-9000 series. In addition to conforming to the latest international rules, usability and maintainability have been dramatically improved through a design based on three concepts unique to TOKYO KEIKI, a company that knows navigation instruments inside and out. Designed with the users’ point of view in mind, it is packed with ideas and functions that support modern navigation, which requires safety, security, and further streamlining.
Product movie
Smart, safe navigation for modern vessels.
Large touch screen display and highly visible icons for intuitive and stress-free operation.
Built-in ECDIS tutorial system for training at any time.
On-board unit replacement for near-zero downtime during navigation.
Energy-saving operation in combination with TOKYO KEIKI’s autopilot.
The ECDIS EC-9000 series, which has diligently pursued usability and maintainability, sets a new standard for navigation instruments.
- Adopts a new GUI which supports easy use and easy understanding via the use of optimized icon application based on the feedback of our customers. S Mode Icon is also supported.
- High speed display of Chart objects
After the revision of the S-52 Standard, there were cases where the chart drawing was sluggish in somesea areas. However, TOKYO KEIKI ECDIS comes equipped with high-speed drawing capability which allows for a clear display in all sea areas from both soft and hard aspects. - Update Software can be downloaded at anytime from the TOKYO KEIKI homepage
When in posession of a USER code during the time of purchasing an ECDIS, Software updates can be downloaded from the TOKYO KEIKI home page at anytime. - TCS and Backup ECDIS are also easily implemented.
TCS with TOKYO KEIKI Autopilot (PR- 9000/PR- 6000) and Backup with ECDIS (EC- 8600 Series). - Simple ECDIS retrofitting solution
Just by using the TOUCH PANEL, un-needed operational parts are eliminated, and new units are small and compact in design which well support all retrofit needs.
1. Simple operation via Multifunction touch screen
A New Touch Panel LCD is used allowing for easy SMART PHONE style operation.
Based on user research, frequently used actions are displayed as icons on the top screen, allowing you to perform the desired actions in the shortest time possible.
Touch Panel can be laid flat so that multiple crew members may operate simultaneously.
2. Familiarization Training via built in Tutorial Function
The EC-9000 series has a b uilt-in TUTORIAL function built.
Important operations can be studied via a tutorial video on the ECDIS itself The Video viewing history is logged and can be used as a certificate supporting the crew’s knowledge and proficiency. (Certified by NK)
3. Easy onboard maintenance
Main parts can be easily replaced without any special tools by the ship’s crew.
Since the system can be restored WITHOUT an Engineer’s attendance, even when a fault may arise, TOKYO KEIKI’s ECDIS can be understood as a ZERO down time FULL ECDIS solution.
A parts replacement procedure video is supplied. Also a s pare SSD is included in t he standard scope of supply.
Track Control System (TCS), Energy/Fuel Saving
When combined with TOKYO KEIKI’s Autopilot PR-9000/6000 (HCS), high grade TRACK CONTROL (Automatic Navigation) is possible.By performing tracking on a preplanned route, not only is course deviation lessened but the fuel usage is also reduced.
When a route is created it is checked and areas of caution will be highlighted.
Automatic navigation is performed along the planned route based on position information from GNSS (GPS).
During a WPT (Waypoint) change in TCS mode, the most optimum automatic waypoint change is implemented.
Remote ECDIS Planning Station (ECS)
It is possible to monitor navigation at remote locations, create routes at a planning station, and playback the navigation record data.
The created route can be outputted externally allowing for the sharing of information between the ship and land, and it contributes to the prevention of marine accidents.
