- Zoom lens; focal length 4,44 – 142,6mm
- Control data over video
- Indoor or outdoor use
- Suitable for rough conditions

The remote control signals of the zoom camera is transmitted over coax cable, together with the video signal, so no need for extra wiring to enable zoom and focus. This makes it also possible that in many situations these cameras can replace the existing onboard CCTV system without the need for new cabling. The lens is chemically hardened, making it extremely strong and avoids problems with condensation or frost.
The zoom camera (and also mini and dome), captures images in full color and when low light conditions occur, the camera automatically switches to black and white, enhancing visibility during the periods of darkness. With a zoom ratio of 16x digital and an amazing 43x optical, effective decisions can be made based upon the visual feedback from any remote location. Also with the many more options that are available through the menu, such as backlight compensation, contrast enhancements, motion detection, day/night selection it is truly an extra set of eyes on the bridge or elsewhere required.
The AlphaCam AHD zoom is available with a polyurethane housing. One of the key benefits of this version is the completely molded housing. This makes this camera extremely suitable for rough conditions. The Alphacam AHD zoom polyurethane is available in the following lens size: 4.44 -142.6mm 32x, and 4,44 – 142.6mm 32x 90°