the next level command and control
SYNTACS NX is an innovative, modular software application for command and control (C2), situational awareness, area surveillance, search and rescue, and other missions. SYNTACS NX empowers the crew in surveillance and tactical operations by offering significantly enhanced situational awareness and a common operating picture (COP) and even self-defense capabilities on the bridge. It can also integrate individual sub-systems and components such as self-contained weapons, electro optical sensors, small target trackers, data links, 2D radars, ESMs or sonars.
Main Features
SYNTACS NX correlates all available data and presents a dashboard for the full tactical picture. Depending on the individual system configuration, it can offer:
- Modern and intuitive human-machine interface
- Fully functional electro optical sensor integration
- Freely movable sea chart representation
- GEOTIF charts
- Target classification possibilities
- Track presentation based on MIL-STD-2525 or others
- Track list and track history
- Track filtering controls (range affiliation, source and alarm status)
- Tools for tactical maneuvers, tactical intercept and heading-/speed recommendation
- Sensor range and current alignment
- Alarm zones, safety areas with freely configurable parameters
- Track management and correlation capability
- Common operating picture with all connected workstations
- Comprehensive Search and Rescue (SAR) functionalities
- Weapon alignment and status information
- Fire Control Solutions for guns

SYNTACS mission solutions: extremely flexible and cost-effective
The high system functionality and overall cost-effectiveness of SYNTACS is achieved through consistent standardization and a functional definition of the system by means of software applications and modules. The system can be expanded at any time with new features without modifying the hardware. The advantage of this architecture lies in both cost savings and a hitherto unknown flexibility. Systems can range from a one-console system for situational awareness at sea on up to a complex system for command and control, weapons control and navigation on OPVs and small corvettes.